Wallcraft Exterior Solutions

Serving Metro Atlanta and Florida Panhandle

(678) 552-7254

7 Tips To Pet-Proof Your Screened Porch

7 Tips To Pet-Proof Your Screened Porch

For many pet owners, their furry friends are part of the family. However, challenges can often arise when trying to make a pet-friendly home. For those with a screened porch, ensuring a safe and enjoyable space for their pets is crucial. If you’re looking to pet-proof your screened porch, this article is packed with practical tips and solutions to help you achieve just that. From selecting the right materials to ensuring comfort and safety, here’s how to create a screened-in porch that you and your pets will love.

7 Reasons To Install A Custom Porch Screen

7 Reasons To Install A Custom Porch Screen

Are you considering installing a custom screen porch for your home? You’ve come to the right place! With more reasons to install than not, especially in Georgia and the Southeast, a screened-in porch offers the unique opportunity to enjoy the outdoors year-round. At Wallcraft Exterior Solutions, we specialize in creating custom porch screens tailored to your home’s specific dimensions, blending functionality with aesthetic appeal.

9 Reasons To Hire a Professional Screen Porch Installer Vs. DIY

9 Reasons To Hire a Professional Screen Porch Installer Vs. DIY

When adding a screen porch to your home, the task might appear straightforward. However, for those not experienced in construction, numerous pitfalls can turn this project into a challenging ordeal. This is where the expertise of a professional screen porch installer, such as Wallcraft Exterior Solutions, becomes invaluable. Our skills and experience ensure that your screen porch is not just an addition but a lasting enhancement to your home.

Does A Screened Porch or Patio Add Value To My Home?

Does A Screened Porch or Patio Add Value To My Home?

Have you ever wondered if adding a screened porch or patio to your home is worth the investment? Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners are asking the same question. The answer is a resounding yes! A screen porch or patio does add tangible value to your home. According to HomeAdvisor, some homeowners see as much as a 75% return on investment (ROI) for their screened-in porch projects. But the value of a screen porch or patio goes beyond the numbers. A screened porch or patio can also give your home these additional benefits.

Does a Screened Porch Count As Square Footage?

Does a Screened Porch Count As Square Footage?

It’s a question many homeowners ask: “Can you count a screened porch as part of your home’s square footage?” The answer is no. A screened porch should not be counted in the total square footage of your home. To quality as part of your home’s square footage, the living space needs to be insulated, heated, and cooled, similar to the other interior rooms of your home.