Wallcraft Exterior Solutions

Serving Metro Atlanta and Florida Panhandle

(678) 552-7254

7 Signs Your Windows Aren't Properly Sealed

7 signs your windows aren't properly sealed

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Windows play a crucial role in maintaining your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. However, that comfort can quickly become compromised when windows aren’t sealed properly. Improperly sealed windows can lead to various issues, from increased energy bills to water damage. In this article, we’ll explore the signs that your windows aren’t properly sealed and what you can do about it. 

Condensation Between the Panes

Condensation between the panes of glass is a clear indicator that your window seal is failing. Look for fogging, moisture droplets, or a hazy appearance within the window glass. This issue occurs because the insulating gas, whether argon or krypton, has escaped, allowing moisture to enter. This not only reduces the window’s energy efficiency but can also lead to mold growth.

While minor cases might be addressed with defogging treatments, a permanent solution often involves replacing the insulated glass unit (IGU) or the entire window. If you notice condensation between your window panes, contact Wallcraft Exterior Solutions to have your windows professionally assessed and replaced if necessary.

Drafts Around the Window Frame

Feeling drafts around your window frame is another telltale sign of improper sealing. You might notice this by feeling cold air entering the room near the windows during winter or warm air during summer. Drafts can significantly impact your home’s energy efficiency, leading to higher heating and cooling costs.

To fix this issue, check for gaps and cracks around the window frame. Weatherstripping or caulking might provide a temporary fix, but in many cases, window replacement by professionals like Wallcraft Exterior Solutions ensures a lasting solution. Contact us to schedule an inspection and find out how we can help.

Visible Damage to Window Seals

Inspecting your windows for visible damage to the seals is crucial. Look for cracked, brittle, or missing seals around the window frame. Damage to seals allows air and moisture to penetrate the window, reducing its insulating properties and potentially causing water damage to surrounding areas.

Minor seal damage can sometimes be repaired by applying new caulking or sealant. However, extensive damage often requires window replacement to restore full functionality and energy efficiency. 

Inconsistent Temperatures & Increased Energy Bills

A sudden spike in your energy bills without a clear cause might be due to window seal failure. When windows aren’t sealed properly, your heating and cooling systems must work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, leading to higher energy consumption.

Conduct an energy audit to identify sources of energy loss. Replacing old or damaged windows with energy-efficient models can significantly reduce energy bills and improve home comfort. Contact Wallcraft Exterior Solutions to explore our range of energy-efficient window options.

Difficulty Opening and Closing Windows

Windows that are difficult to open or close might be improperly sealed or have structural issues.  If your windows stick, require excessive force to move, or do not stay open or closed, then replacement may be necessary. These issues can indicate warping or misalignment, often due to moisture ingress from failed seals.

Lubricating the window tracks or adjusting the frame might help temporarily. However, persistent problems usually necessitate professional assessment and possible window replacement. 

Water Leaks and Stains

Water leaks or stains around the window frame or on nearby walls indicate serious sealing issues. Look for discoloration, peeling paint, or dampness around the windows, especially after rain. Water ingress can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and health concerns.

Address minor leaks with caulking or sealant. For severe leaks or recurrent issues, professional window replacement is often necessary to prevent further damage and ensure proper sealing. 

Noise Infiltration

Increased noise from outside can also signal that your windows aren’t sealed properly. Properly sealed windows act as a barrier to external noise. If you suddenly notice more traffic or neighborhood noise indoors, it might be due to seal failure.

Weatherstripping can sometimes resolve noise infiltration issues, but upgrading to double or triple-pane windows with high-quality seals often provides the best noise reduction results. 

Upgrade Your Home’s Efficiency With Replacement Windows

If you notice any of these signs, addressing the issues promptly is crucial to maintaining your home’s energy efficiency, comfort, and structural integrity. For professional window replacement and sealing services, contact Wallcraft Exterior Solutions.

Our experienced team is dedicated to exceeding your expectations with top-quality workmanship and customer service. Schedule your free consultation today to learn more about how we can help improve your home’s efficiency with new windows.

FAQ About Window Seal Failure

Signs that your windows aren’t sealed properly include condensation between the panes, drafts around the window frame, visible damage to seals, increased energy bills, difficulty opening and closing windows, water leaks and stains, and increased noise infiltration from outside.

If windows are not sealed properly, it can lead to higher energy bills due to heat loss or gain, moisture problems such as mold growth, water damage, and structural issues. Additionally, it can reduce your home’s comfort by allowing drafts and noise infiltration.

To ensure your windows are sealed properly, regularly inspect the seals for damage, apply weatherstripping or caulking as needed, and consider having a professional assessment. If your windows are old or show signs of seal failure, replacing them with new, energy-efficient models is recommended.

You may need to replace your window seals if you notice condensation between the panes, drafts, visible damage to the seals, increased energy bills, or difficulty operating the windows. Persistent issues often indicate the need for professional replacement.

A failed window seal typically appears as condensation or fogging between the window panes, moisture droplets, or a hazy appearance. You may also notice visible cracks or brittleness in the sealant around the window frame.

To check if your windows are airtight, feel for drafts around the frame, especially during windy conditions. You can also perform a candle test by moving a lit candle around the window frame; if the flame flickers, there may be an air leak.

To test for seal failure, look for condensation between the window panes or perform a visual inspection for damaged seals. You can also conduct a smoke test by holding a lit incense stick near the window frame; if the smoke wavers or is drawn into the window, there may be a leak.

Yes, poorly sealed windows can cause mold. Moisture entering through gaps and cracks can create a conducive environment for mold growth, which can pose health risks and damage your home’s structure.

Your windows may need resealing if you notice drafts, condensation between panes, visible seal damage, or increased energy bills. For persistent or severe issues, professional window replacement might be the best solution. Contact Wallcraft Exterior Solutions for expert advice and service.